Our coach said the refs were to blame
For all that went wrong at that game.
The umpire lay home, sick in bed.
They called in a vampire instead.
Who put on his facemask and hat
Then ordered, “DO NOT SWING THAT...”
Homonyms are words with the same sound and spelling but different meanings. Homophones are words with the same sound but different spellings and meanings. Puns are homonyms and homophones that are funny. We hope you laugh at our homonyms (and homophones).
-Isaac & Dave
This site began long ago as a summer father and son project. Isaac was six. He helped with everything from writing to drawing to coding the html. Some of you (all forty or so) may remember that first version called "Homonymgame.com".
For FunPun.net (Homonym Game version 2.0), Isaac serves as the technical advisor handling all of the javascript funtionality and answering Dad's ludite questions. Dad did the other stuff (writing, illustrating and site design). See more of Dad's work at davewheeler.com. See more of Isaac's work at davewheeler.com/isaac.
Special thanks to Carol Woodson for her writing, rhyming and overall editorial advice.